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Spider Elimination Kit - Customer Testimonies
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This is a great product!  I am looking at the trap I had by the front door.  It has 10 Brown Recluse Spiders and several other bugs in it.
-- Lester Clayton, Dexter, MO


     I live alone, with my 3 small Yorkshire Terrier dogs, who are my best friends.
     I work full time & one day, after coming home from work, I noticed that one of my dogs was very sick.  I rushed him to the vet, & was told that he had been bitten by a hobo spider.  Thankfully, he got better.
     I had never heard of hobo spiders before & started asking questions, when I went back to work.  It was a miracle to me to find out that my boss, Michele North, sold hobo spider traps.  I bought some then & when I got home I put them out.  They were easy to install.  In a few days, I checked the traps & found quite a few spiders & other bugs as well, in them.
     The most important thing to me, is that my dogs or me, have not been bitten or bothered by spiders since.  That was about a year ago.
     I will not ever be without the traps again.  They work wonderfully & most of all, they bring me peace of mind, knowing that even when I'm not home to protect my "best friends" from poisonous spiders, the traps are there working. -- Elaine Kavarie


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