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B Vitamins

B Vitamins

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B-6 Activated 50 mg 100 Cap

Daily's Activated B6: Conventional vitamin B6 is in the form of pyridoxine hydrochloride. In order for the body to use pyridoxine hydrochloride, it must be processed by the body into the coenzyme form, Pyridoxal 5-phosphate. The processing of pyridoxine requires two energy utilizing steps, catalyzed by the enzymes pyridoxal kinase and pyridoxine phosphate oxidase. Daily's Activated B6 (Reams Original) is the coenzyme form, eliminating the need for processing by the body. It is like a plug-in module and is much more efficiently used than the regular type. One capsule provides Vitamin B6 50 mg.

Our Price: $14.36
Stock Info: 18 In Stock
B-12 Activated 500mcg 180 Cap

B-12 activated 500 mcg 180 Capsules: contains equal amounts of 5-deoxyadenosyl cobalamin and methylcobalamin.

Our Price: $16.16
Folic Acid 800 mcg 250 Tab

Folic Acid 800 mcg 250 tablets: Each tablet contains 800 mcg of folic acid in a slotted tablet that can be broken in half for a 400 mcg dose.

Our Price: $8.96
Stock Info: 6 In Stock
Niacin 100 mg 200 Tab

Niacin -100-mg-200-Tab: Niacin (nicotinic acid) is used in the body to make nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and NAD-phosphate, which supplies energy for many catabolic and anabolic reactions.

Our Price: $13.05
Stock Info: 5 In Stock

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