The Hobo Spider (Tegenaria Agrestis) ranges from southern Alaska down through B.C., Canada to central Utah and from the west coast to central Montana. However, our customer feedback indicates the Hobo spider, as well as the Brown Recluse, are being caught all over the USA due to interstate commerce both spiders are quickly becoming national pests. The Hobo Spider is responsible for the vast majority of bites thought to be by the Brown Recluse Spider in the Northwest, because it's
infestation is much heavier in the area. Spraying for Hobo's kills the competing spiders and actually aids in increasing their numbers. The best way to control Hobo's is with 'The Hobo Spider Elimination Kit'. The kits contain either 5 or 8 pre-baited traps and are very effective at catching Hobo's and Brown Recluse Spiders as well as any bug that crawls across or lands on it. Hobo's tend to stay near the floor and when they enter a room they follow the baseboard. Hobo's are caught by placing the traps by the baseboard. The Hobo Spider is a potentially dangerous house-guest where ever it resides that needs to be evicted and the 'Spider Elimination Kit' will serve his papers.
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