Orgone-Eloptic Energy Radiator Power Saver. Strap this unit with plastic ties to your conduit leading from your meter box. The higher the flow of electrical power, the greater the savings in your electric bill. One residential service with a power bill of $162 per month saw a drop in their billing of $37 / month and it has held for 3 years. 3x12x$37 = $1332 over a 3 year period. Another residential service with a power bill of $220 per month saw a drop in their billing $124 / month over a period of 3 years. 3x12x$124 = $4,464 over a 3 year period. The higher the electrical consumption, the greater the cut in the billing seems to go. The unit is made from 4 of our $100 Orgone-Eloptic Radiating devices. The unit is 5" wide by 21" long and weighs 14 lbs.