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Rose Hedge does well
After customer uses  BioVam Mycorrhiza on Rose Plant Roots

R and V Jeffries are one of our customers who have put BioVam to use on a lot of things on their property.  The roses below are an interesting project where only BioVam Mycorrhiza was used.  No pesticides or fungicides have been used on these plants.  The nearby Spokane river is a source of a lot of insects, but these plants are not bothered by any insects.

The best buy we have to offer is our Organic Garden Kit which contains most of our products.   Click here to purchase kit.

Click on picture to see a larger picture.    (All of these Roses are treated with BioVam Mycorrhiza.)

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This is the first year for all of these plants.  It's already a nice looking hedge row of roses.

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These are S.H. Freedom Hedge Roses.

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Healthy new growth and vibrant colored blooms came on after treating these roses with BioVam Mycorrhiza Inoculant.

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The new growth was significant all through the rose hedge.

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These are all first year roses out in the sun in a place that looked like the surface of the moon.

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In the distance you can see the Spokane River.  The opportunity for bugs is great, but no bugs have been bothering these roses.

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The extent of the new growth on all the plants in the hedge was very consistent and strong.

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The blooms were consistent and strong throughout the hedge.

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Another shot of the strong and extensive new growth.

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The stems are green all the way to the ground.

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Nice green foliage from the crown up. All the crowns were strong, well developed with strong growth from them.

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Here are the two bug holes. It seemed really odd their placement in the foliage yet the rest of the foliage was not bothered.

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Despite the hot sun during the day, the blooms suffered little burning.

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Despite the time of year and how cold the nights were getting the bloom petals through out the hedge showed little to no signs of distress from  the types of weather stresses they were clearly being subjected to.

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It was very interesting to see so many strong blooms off the new growth, and so late in the year.

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The fully unfolded heads were consistently well formed throughout the hedge. Their colors staying even, pedals keeping their shape.

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Same as above.

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Remarkable on all these plants was the consistency of quality blooms. Tight centers and even unfolding.

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Nice green leafs all up and down the stems. The unfolded petals were holding their color and shape very well.

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Note the nice green stems from the crown of the plant.   It's another illustration of a raised level of health.

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More new growth pictures.

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The new growth on these first year plants is significant.

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Click on this picture and notice how the Mildew remains isolated and does not spread around the plant.  We credit this unusual feature to the fact that BioVam Mycorrhiza raises the plant health so diseases can not spread.

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Mildew is isolated and does not spread to the rest of the plant.

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We finally found two leaves on one of the bushes that have bug holes in them.  Even so, the leaves remain a nice green color.

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