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BioVam Organically Grown Quinault Strawberries

The results depicted here are easily achived by using our Organic Garden Kit:  BioVam, Microbe Tea Brewing Kits, BioMinerals, and Yucca Schidigera Extract.

 When these Ever-bearing Quinault Strawberry plants were inoculated with BioVam Mycorrhizae a number of events related to their health and productivity occurred:

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Our strawberry plants inoculated with BioVam need to be picked twice a week.  -Joanie Flynn.

This picture was taken in August in the garden of Bill and Joanie Flynn.  It appears these plants  will be producing berries all summer long.

You can taste those berries by just looking at them for a while - nice and sweet!   Quality!

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Where are the berries?  Across the street at T&J Enterprises, the uninoculated Quinault Strawberry plants were finished bearing in June.  No new berries were being formed among the non-BioVam plants in August.  (Untreated plants above)

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This picture illustrates how these berries have been bearing all summer long.  Quinaults are an Ever-bearing Strawberry good for back yard gardening, u-pick and making jams.  Though they are very sweet tasting they're probably not suitable for retail sales.   (Treated plants above)

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This picture shows Quinaults sending out a runner and forming berries on the runner.  The runner wasn't rooted.  These are first year plants.  I ate the large berry on the left.  It was sweet and juicy!   These plants were planted in the spring as small juvenile plants.  They bore berries Spring through Summer and are still going strong now in the fall.  Even the runners are producing the first year.

What does inoculating with BioVam mean to you as a grower of Strawberries?

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